Health Club & Spa Update

Health Club & Spa

Weekend spa offer

Treat yourself this weekend with a visit to The Mere Spa and enjoy our exclusive offer.

For a limited time, all spa treatments are 20% off for our members on Saturday 13th April and Sunday 14th April 2024.

Book Here


As the days grow longer and the flowers begin to bloom, we’re thrilled to welcome the delightful season of spring! At The Mere Health Club we’re embracing the spirit of renewal and vibrancy with exciting new campaigns and refreshing spring cocktails that are sure to captivate your senses.

Here’s what’s blooming

Spring Campaigns:

Springtime is all about rejuvenation and celebration, and our latest campaigns embody these sentiments perfectly. Whether you’re looking to indulgence in relaxation with our Spa day offers, dine in our Treehouse restaurant, or enjoy a round of golf in the crisp spring air, our spring campaigns are designed to elevate your spring experience.

Visit our website for irresistible deals that will add a touch of spring magic to your life.

Spring Cocktails:

What better way to toast to the season than with our handcrafted spring cocktails? At the Spa bar Our talented mixologists have curated a delightful selection of drinks that showcase the vibrant flavors of spring. From refreshing citrus blends to floral-infused concoctions, each sip is a celebration of the season’s bounty. Our spring cocktails are the perfect companions for any occasion.

February fitness Challenge of the month: 5k a day for 29 days

Challenge yourself to travel 5km a day, whether this be walking, running, bike or row, get yourself moving everyday for 29 days – keep a log and tag us in your online stories/posts #5KDAY @themereresort

Towel usage:

To keep the spring air clean and improve our environment, we politely ask that you are mindful when using towels whilst visiting the facilities. We are noticing that we are using lot more and are running really short on some days leaving some members without.

Guest passes:

Whilst we want our Members to be able to bring their guests to enjoy a relaxing day with them using their guest visits, we do politely remind you that guest passes are not available to use on a weekend, and to avoid disappointment, these need to be pre-booked in.

Protein shakes/Snacks/Smoothies

Don’t forget to visit the spa bar and fuel up with our selection of smoothies, shakes and protein snacks!


For further information please contact:
[email protected]
01565 830155

Thank you,

The Health & Spa Team.


1. Is working out in the morning better for you?
You should exercise at a time that suits you and your body. There’s no evidence to suggest that an early morning workout is better for you, but some people are just more efficient at this time. You’ll get results regardless of the time of day, as long as it works for you. A good workout in the morning however can wake you up and prepare your mind for the busy day ahead.

2. Should I approach my sessions with a plan?
Yes, this will help you get the most out of your workout. Decide which muscle groups you want to work on, whether you’re doing a strength session or a HIIT workout and what equipment you’ll need. Then, think about how many reps and sets you’re going to perform. That way, you won’t waste time procrastinating and you’ll work harder as a result. Speak to one of our team who can help put together a plan for you.

3. Do I need to work out every day?
It is not necessary to train every day. Three to four gym or home workouts each week is enough if you work as hard as you can in each session. Try to balance the week with a mix of cardio, HIIT, strength and yoga or Pilates. However, when it comes to being active you should aim to move as much as you can every day – whether that’s with brisk walking, jogging, swimming, gardening or putting your all into the housework! Set yourself a goal for a minimum of 10,000 steps a day!

4. How long do I need to work out for?
This depends on your fitness levels, what type of training you’re doing and what intensity you’re training at. Just remember, something is always better than nothing. If you only have 30 minutes, try to fit in a quick HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout or go for a run. You definitely don’t need to be training for hours, a quick 45 minutes should suffice.

5. Do I need to vary my workout to see results?
If you want to see real change in your body you need to mix up your routine. The body quickly adapts to exercise and if you continue to do the same workout or use the same weights, it will plateau as it stops responding to the training stimulus. Increase frequency, intensity or the type of training as often as you can. Remember ‘Variety is the Spice of Life!’

6. What type of training do I need to do to increase muscle mass?
If you want to build muscle, you’ll need to start weight training. Lifting heavy weights effectively rips the muscle fibres and as the body repairs, it replaces damaged muscle fibres to form new strands. As a result, this increases the thickness and size of the muscle.
Choose heavier weights for lower reps and take a longer rest between sets. It’s important to train the muscle groups you want to build a few times per week. And don’t forget to increase your calorie intake – you need to feed muscles if you want them to grow.

7. What type of training do I need to do to lose weight?
Generally, cardio training such as swimming or running will burn the most calories per session. Weight training will help you burn more calories over the course of the day – muscle burns more calories at rest than other tissues, including fat, and therefore speeds up your resting metabolism. Should you need any tips on running just speak to our Marathon champion, Mike Proudlove or our up and coming Champion, who runs 20 miles most days ‘for fun’, Alice Cox-Cooper!
HIIT exercise can burn 25%-30% more calories than a steady-state exercise session such as a run. Therefore, combining cardio, weights and HIIT-specific training alongside a diet that will leave you in a calorie deficit is the most effective route to weight loss.

8. How often do I need to rest?
Ensure you have at least one rest day per week to allow your body to regenerate and repair, so you can come back stronger.

9. When should I stretch and how often?
Start with some dynamic stretching (active muscular stretching such as walking lunges or jogging with high knees) before a workout. Then, do static stretches such as a standing thigh stretch or side lunge for post-workout recovery, focusing on the muscles you’ve worked. This will decrease your risk of injury, improve blood flow and circulation, increase your range of motion and improve muscle function. You can never stretch too much!

10. What’s the best way to help sore muscles?
Diet plays a vital role in the rate at which your body can recover – protein is crucial for decreasing muscle damage and soreness after a workout, so make sure to fuel up properly. Rest and plenty of sleep will also give the body time to repair.
Treat yourself to a massage with one of our Therapists, remember you get 20% off Mon-Friday. You could also try a bath with Epsom salts, which are packed with magnesium that will gently relax muscles.

11. How does exercise help mental health?
Research has shown that exercise can help to reduce stress, improve your self-confidence, alleviate anxiety and improve concentration. Plus, it releases endorphins, which encourage feelings of happiness. Right now with everything going on in the world, exercise can really help you switch off to the outside.
Be careful though not to over train, as this can put your body and mind under stress, raising levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Therefore a balanced exercise plan is key.

If you have any other questions we can help with, be sure to ask…. You can email me directly on [email protected]